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The objectives of this research are 1) Study the general administrative conditions for small school under secondary educational service area office Nakhon Si Thammarat 2) Develop a manual for general administration for small school under secondary educational service area office Nakhon Si Thammarat 3) Present a manual for general administration for small school under secondary educational service area office Nakhon Si Thammarat. as a qualitative research. The researcher surveyed and collected data by in-depth interviews. Synthesize the results and present them in the form of descriptive narratives. The results of the study showed that: 1) General administrative conditions. The results of the study found that The results of the study found that each of the 5 tasks: 1) Administrative work, 2) Building work, 3) Public relations work, 4) School health work, 5) Student affairs work. But there are still difficulties in some workloads. Because the number of personnel is limited 2) Development of a manual for general administration. The results of the study found that the manual should contain procedures for 5 important tasks in general administration, namely 1) Administrative work, 2) Building work, 3) Public relations work, 4) School health work, 5) Student affairs work. Each task consists of 1) The person in charge, 2) The operating procedure, 3) The scope and workload, 4) The flowchart or form, and 5) The documents/references 3. Presentation of the General Administration Manual found that the manual consists of 5 main tasks: 1) Administrative work, 2) Facility work, 3) Public relations work, 4) School health work, 5) Student affairs work. It is important in general administration. It is appropriate and useful for the development of the general management manual of small schools affiliated to the Nakhon Si Thammarat Secondary Education Area Office.
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