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The objectives of this research article were to study the effectiveness of the innovation activity package in critical thinking skills affects brain wave of the higher education students, the university in Thailand and to evaluate the activity package of critical thinking skill innovation training that affects the brain wave of the higher education students, the universities in Thailand. The research methodology is quantitative research using a quasi-experimental research. The sample group is the higher education students studying for bachelor’s degrees at Soun Dusit University in Bangkok 17 students. The research instruments are the activities package evaluated by expert 5 monk/person. The research findings were the evaluated result of the activity package assessed using the evaluation standard in 4 items found that the areas with the highest scores are Propriety ( = 5.00), followed by Accuracy (
= 4.96), Utility (
= 4.92), Feasibility of use (
= 4.84), and agreed. Show that the activity package is propriety, accuracy, utility, and feasibility at the evaluation’s highest level. And the effectiveness of the innovation activity package found that the mean of the critical thinking scores of the sample group who received the activity package in the post-experiment period were higher than the pre-experiment period. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level and the mean of brainwave scores increased by 3.3 percent. That signifies the innovation activity package in critical thinking skills improved the critical thinking skills and the brain wave of the higher education students in Thailand, and it can be applied to organize activities to develop critical thinking skills of the higher education students in advance.
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