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This research article aimed to study: 1) The origins of offering funeral wreaths in Thai society, and 2) The context of power relations within the political sphere, as expressed through the forms of communication and symbolism found in funeral wreaths. The study employed a qualitative research approach, selecting key informants through purposive sampling. The selected informants included 2 monks, 2 wreath shop owners, 1 religious ceremony master, 5 funeral hosts, 5 politicians and government officials who offered wreaths, and 5 funeral attendees, totaling 20 individuals. In-depth interviews were utilized as the primary data collection tool, and the findings were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The study revealed that: 1) The tradition of offering funeral wreaths originated from Western culture, where wreaths were used in both auspicious and inauspicious ceremonies. This practice was introduced to Thai society during the reign of King Rama IV, specifically for use in funerals, replacing the traditional offerings of flowers, incense, and candles. Initially, wreaths were used primarily in the funerals of the elite and later became more common among the general population. The early wreaths consisted of simple branches woven together as a symbol of mourning for the deceased. Over time, funeral wreaths evolved to become symbols of power and status. 2) The context of power relations is embedded within the social customs and symbolism associated with funeral wreaths. These wreaths signify the identity and social standing of the giver and their group, reflecting the social and political relationships between the deceased, the deceased's family, and the giver. Furthermore, funeral wreaths have served as a subtle political tool, providing politicians with an opportunity to communicate and campaign, using the funeral as a platform to introduce themselves and promote their political parties-a practice that continues to the present day.
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