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This academic article aims to present the quality of life in the Buddhist way to support the aging society. In the overall picture, the quality of life of the elderly in all 4 areas is physical. The elderly are able to adapt well to receive changes in the future. Studying modern health and medical information leads to a long life, the elderly can adapt to receive changes in the future very well. There is a study of up-to-date health and medical information. It makes you have a long life. Psychologically, the elderly are mentally fragile. Therefore, we must change our thoughts and attitudes in order to become an elderly person from an early age. We must apply Dhamma principles to life. Use mindfulness and wisdom to solve problems. Mental health is therefore strong. Social relations, elderly people must know themselves in participating in activities together and must be appropriate for them, such as participating in the Elderly School Project, Tai Chi, Elderly Club. Learning about career groups that are of interest and can increase income by promoting the use of the wisdom of the elderly. And environmental In terms of the physical well-being of the elderly, such as pollution-free housing and well-ventilated air. There are health care facilities near the house. Recreational activities are organized and interesting and income-generating careers are practiced. As for the principles of Buddhism and enhancing quality of life It will be consistent with the elements of having a good quality of life. When the principles of the Three Characteristics, the four principles of meditation and the principles of the Eightfold Path are integrated, there will be a causal connection. Has the potential to manage problems When living life in the right way, elderly people will move forward in peace and not suffering. Don't be a burden to yourself. children and society because they are firmly committed to morality.
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