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The study aims to investigate the purchasing behavior of adolescent consumers in Thailand regarding vitamin C serum products for skincare. This involves analyzing the impact of marketing mix factors on the purchase decisions and examining the relationship between personal factors and the choice to buy such products among teenagers. This study is quantitative research. Data was collected using questionnaires from a sampling of 400 consumers and analyzed using statistical methods including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and examining the relationship between personal factors and purchasing behavior of adolescent consumers in Thailand regarding vitamin C serum products for skincare among teenagers by Chi-Square Test for hypothesis testing. The results of the research found that the marketing mix factors influence the purchase of vitamin C serum products for skin care among adolescent consumers in Thailand at a high level with an average of 4.36. When considering each aspect, it was found that teenage consumers attach the most importance to distribution channels, followed by price, products, and marketing promotions. Furthermore, the test results demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between personal factors such as gender, age, education level, occupation, monthly income, number of family members, residential areas, and the purchasing behavior of vitamin C serum products for skincare among adolescent consumers in Thailand. Meanwhile, the personal factor of marital status was not related to the purchasing behavior of vitamin C serum products for skin care of teenage consumers in Thailand.
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