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Phra SamuSamruai Suwanno (Thongpiang)
Direk Noonklum
Phrakhru Nitithambundhit (Suriya Suriyo)
Pairat Chimahad


The objectives of this research are 1) To Study the development of sustainable ecotourism destinations using the community; It is the base of Na Yong District, Trang Province and 2) To Study suggestions and guidelines for developing tourist attractions. Sustainable ecological research using the community as a base in Na Yong District, Trang Province. It is a mixed method research (Mixed Methods Research) consisting of qualitative research. Data were collected by interviewing 20 key informants including villagers in tourist destination areas tourist attraction operators community development academics local leaders community enterprises cultural academics Expert in forestry and quantitative research Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to a sample population of 375 people. The sample size was determined using Krejci and Morgan's formula. The results of the research found that 1) Community - based sustainable development of eco - tourism destinations in Na Yong District, Trang Province, including community participation in the development of tourist attractions. Policy and Ecotourism Strategy In providing knowledge and creating awareness Management aspect in taking advantage of Space for sustainability and the potential to be an eco-tourism destination There is a high level of development (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.59) and 2) Suggestions and guidelines for developing sustainable ecotourism destinations using community
as a base. of Na Yong District, Trang Province, found that every sector must participate in planning. There is efficient space management, low - impact infrastructure use. Social space management leads to a strong community You can organize your own community tours.

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How to Cite
(Thongpiang), P. S. S., Noonklum, D., (Suriya Suriyo), P. N., & Chimahad, P. (2024). A DEVELOPMENT OF ECO - TOURISM SUSTAINABLE USING THE COMMUNITY AS A BASIS OF NAYONG DISTRICT, TRANG PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(4), 185–198. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/276313
Research Articles


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