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The purpose of this article is present information about the increasing work role of professional nurses at Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospitals, which results in fatigue and inability to endure regular work. This is caused by the health system reform policy and the Thailand 4.0 policy that focuses on the development of the primary care system. By specifying the establishment Family doctor clinic team and primary care medical system management There are family medicine doctors working to provide services to the public. Continuously integrated and holistic Using the motivation process That consists of using the theory covering the theory of hierarchy of needs. intrinsic motivation theory Extrinsic Motivation Theory that satisfies a person's inner needs or desires encourage behavior Specific needs or internal needs that motivate and direct the way a person expresses their behavior, together with the theory of two factors that consist of motivating factors. Maintenance factors and process theory That involves the cognitive process of deciding and choosing behavior. From the factors that stimulate motivation Covers goal setting theory Expectancy Theory and fairness theory Together with the assessment of the context of the area that affects the difficulties in the work of professional nurses at the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, it will be something that those involved in policy making should create and push for morale and motivation to maintain. Delay, hold back, allow the professional nurses of the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital to remain in their jobs willingly. and are attached to the organization, work, co - workers, and area; have unwavering determination to remain in the same organization Work with happiness Affects the efficiency and effectiveness of work. and important results It is the quality of life of service recipients and service providers that is in balance with each other.
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