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wasana Boonyamanee


This article aims to present information on professional nurses working in sub-district health promotion hospitals and their motivation to continue working in the organization. Without transferring, resigning, changing careers. or other reasons that make one unwilling to remain in the same job from the current situation The health system reform policy requires the establishment of a family doctor's clinic and the development of standards for Tidao Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital. that emphasizes strengthening public health services in the Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital By providing services "close to home, close to the heart", professional nurses working in subdistrict health promotion hospitals Need to add a role in providing integrated services to people of all age groups according to area problems and perform the duties of a professional nurse as a family doctor having to take care of illness in the family Support family empowerment to have the potential to take care of themselves. Through convenient communication channels and access to health, there is teaching, training, and mentoring. Provide advice/recommendation regarding health, coordinate and work as a partner in the health team. Social and Community Team Protect family rights, coordinate, refer, and continuously monitor. It is an increasing job role. This is an addition to the original job and is different from the professional nurses who Work at a community hospital general hospital The increasing work role of professional nurses at Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospitals This can result in fatigue and not persistence in continuous performance, which is motivating. In various aspects that will hold professional nurses in sub-district health promotion hospitals to continue to work in the same organization with willingness and commitment under an increased work role, it is important that those involved in formulating policy create The morale and morale of personnel in the organization should be treated first.

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How to Cite
Boonyamanee, wasana. (2024). MOTIVATION OF RETENTION’S WORK FOR REGISTERED NURSES IN SUB-DISTRIC HEALTH PROMOTION HOSPITAL. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(3), 140–150. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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