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Phrakru Sopanarattanabanthit .
Pairat Chimhad
Prasit Ruknuiy
Wanida Mueanjan


This research article aims to 1) study the history and migration of the old city in Songkhla province, 2) analyze the process of developing creative areas around the old city in Songkhla province, and 3) develop a network for preserving historical sites around the old city in Songkhla province. It is qualitative research combined with an action research format. The tools used include an interview form. Group discussion and research practice Presentation of inductive research results By taking the data, compiling and classifying it systematically. Then interpret the meaning, connect relationships, and draw conclusions from the various data collected.The research results found that 1) Songkhla Province therefore has the characteristic of being a distinctive old city, that is, the city or area of the city that used to be the original city at one time still has distinctive features consisting of ancient sites. In the part of the old city, Hua Khao Daeng, Singhanakhon District, there are four temples, namely Wat Suwankiri, Wat Bo Sap, Wat Siriwannawas and Wat Phu Pha Boek. Old cities in Songkhla Province can be divided into two eras according to age: the pre-Songkhla era and the Songkhla era. In the Songkhla era, it can be divided into 2 periods: the first period was the old city of Songkhla at the head of Khao Daeng. The second period was Old Songkhla on the Laem Son side. 2) In the past, Songkhla was an ancient port city that was prosperous in arts and culture and was a multicultural society. Creative space development is therefore important and necessary for preserving and developing the old city into a world heritage city. By creating value, bringing the distinctive points of Songkhla's old city as selling points. to stimulate tourism Stimulate the economy and encourage people in the community to see the importance of local areas perfectly. 3) The network will be a part of promoting the potential of cultural tourist attractions. There is a network of the public sector, the private sector, and the public sector, namely the community that owns the area.

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How to Cite
., P. S., Chimhad, P. ., Ruknuiy, P. ., & Mueanjan, W. . (2024). CREATIVE AREA DEVELOPMENT IN THE OLD TOWN OF SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(1), 300–310. retrieved from
Research Articles


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