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Phra Teerawat Oanteng
Arunee Hongsiriwat


This research article studies the current issue of teacher professional training experiences at Thai Buddhist universities. By collecting research data to study the current state of professional training for teachers at Thai Buddhist universities here. Using a quantitative survey research method. and the sample group of the Faculty of Education Chulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and Mahamakut Rajavidyalaya University to see the main data controllers, including professors as well as monks and laity, in the amount of 38 people, a large number of people, research metals and collect research data again. Concentration value (Percentage) is important (Average) for standard control. (Standard Deviation) The results of the study found that the characteristics of the teacher learning experiences of Thai universities especially and very light in all aspects
( = 4.24, S.D. = 0.20), especially in the depth of Surveys and schools Next is the development of administrative work for health care activities and the supervision of teaching professional experience at monastic universities. Thailand found that the learning of students practicing teaching professional experience Most students use documents. Tramra Power and points in supervising the core learning media and data collection control system Interests and diversity in the direction of students. There are no activities to practice skills and supervision. Students have a skill training program. Students lack self-confidence. Students are not prepared. Students lack enthusiasm to support modern media technology. Helps supplement teaching Students are not cared for and value the attention of students both inside and outside of school.

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How to Cite
Oanteng, P. T., & Hongsiriwat, A. (2024). CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS IN ORGANIZING TEACHER PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AT THAI BUDDHIST UNIVERSITIES. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(3), 204–214. retrieved from
Research Articles


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