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This study aims to study 1) Human resource management and the performance of Singburi Provincial Administrative Organization personnel. 2) The relationship between human resource management and the performance of Singburi Provincial Administrative Organization personnel and 3) find the relationship between human resource management affecting the performance of Singburi Provincial Administrative Organization personnel. The research format is quantitative research. The sample consisted of 102 personnel from the Singburi Provincial Administrative Organization. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. Statistics used in the study include percentages, averages, standard deviations, correlation, coefficient analysis, hypothesis testing and multiple regression analysis. The analysis results found that 1) Human resource management and the performance of Singburi Provincial Administrative Organization personnel. Overall, it is at a high level, Work efficiency of personnel Overall it is at a high level. 2) Human resource management relationships that affect the performance of Singburi Provincial Administrative Organization personnel. It was found that they were related at a high level and in the same direction. 3) Multiple correlation coefficient relationship The multiple correlation coefficient (R) is equal to 0.96 and can explain 93.0 percent of the variation in human resource management of the Mukdahan Provincial Administrative Organization (R2 = 0.93). The forecast equation can be written as follows: Y = 0.92 + 0.04X1 + 0.50X2 + 0.17X3 + 0.04X4. From the forecast equation, it can be inferred that the variable with the greatest influence on the performance of Singburi Provincial Administrative Organization personnel is training and development. Additionally, the results of the hypothesis test indicate that human resource management has a positive effect on personnel performance, consistently observed across all aspects and statistically significant at the 0.00 level.
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