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Tourism is recognized as a vital sector, generating significant income for nations. Thailand relies on tourism revenues, stemming from the diversity of its natural resources. As the nation has historically attracted a large influx of tourists, this mass tourism has unfortunately led to the degradation of natural sites. With the emergence of the COVID - 19 pandemic and the consequent plummet in the number of international tourists, several natural tourist destinations had the opportunity to recover. Drawing from this lesson, the next phase of tourism development should emphasize responsible and sustainable practices among stakeholders in the tourism industry. These practices are essential for maintaining the competitiveness and longevity of environmental and natural resources. To facilitate tourism promotion, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports has formulated the Third National Tourism Development Plan (2023-2027), guided by the vision of "Thai tourism as a value-driven industry, adaptable and committed to sustainable and inclusive growth." Among the four strategies of the plan, Strategy 4 emphasizes sustainable tourism, which is closely intertwined with ecotourism. This approach suggests that the nation's long - term sustainable tourism expansion is dependent on development that integrates economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, in developing tourist destinations and communities, it is imperative to actively minimize the negative impacts of tourism, such as pollution, waste generation, and climate change. This action is crucial to ensure that Thai tourism can sustainably capture and enhance the value derived from its natural resources, cultural heritage, unique Thai identities, and existing tourist destinations.
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