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This study aims to: 1) Develop the ethical leadership indicators of university personnel at Mahamakut Buddhist University. 2) Examine the conformity of the ethical leadership indicator model of university personnel at Mahamakut Buddhist University. The sample group consisted of 836 university personnel at Mahamakut Buddhist University. Data was collected using a 5-level assessment measure. The reliability was 0.988 obtained by the multi-step random sampling method. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics through statistical software and Amos program. The research found that: 1) The ethical leadership indicators of university personnel at Mahamakut Buddhist University have appropriate components and indicators. The honesty component has an average score of 4.66. The trust component has an average score of 4.51. The fairness component has an average score of 4.55. The responsibility component has an average score of 4.56. When compared to the criteria with an average score equal to or greater than 3.00, these were selected and set in the structural relationship model. The ethical leadership indicators of university personnel at Mahamakut Buddhist University have distribution efficiency through the established criteria. 2) The model is highly consistent with the perceptual data considering the chi - square value of 19.047, which is not statistically significant (P - value = 0.060), with 11 degrees of freedom, a Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) of 0.997, an Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) of 0.965, and a Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) of 0.030. The main components have a weight greater than the standard of 0.50. The sub - components and indicators have weights greater than the standard of 0.30.
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