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Kraisorn Inphiban


The objectives of this cross-sectional analytical research were to 1) study oral health status, and oral health care behaviors among grade six primary school students at Khao Phanom District, Krabi Province, 2) study factors related to oral health care behaviors. The samples were 1) 254 students studying in grade six primary school at Khao Phanom District, Krabi Province, 254 parents of students. Research tools in conducting research were 1) questionnaire for students and parents, 2) dental examination data record form. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic, and chi-square test. The research results found that : grade six primary school students had decayed permanent teeth at 50.0% (1 - 2 teeth, 3 - 4 teeth, and 5 or more teeth, 27.5%, 16.1%, and 6.4%, respectively), on average, 1.3 permanent teeth decay, decayed primary teeth at 51.8% (out of 83 people with primary teeth). Characteristics of tooth decay were early stages of tooth decay at 36.2%. There were 20.1% of plaque. However, there had been no premature loss of permanent teeth. There was a low level of oral care behavior at 57.9%, followed by medium and high levels, 40.5% and 1.6%, respectively. Factors related to oral health care behaviors by statistically significant (p - value < 0.05), includes: knowledge about oral health, perceived benefits of prevention and treatment of oral diseases, receiving information about dental diseases and oral health, and family support. Therefore, should be changed the oral health care behavior and encourage parents of children to help children for correct oral health behaviors.

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How to Cite
Inphiban, K. (2024). ORAL HEALTH STATUS AND FACTORS RELATED TO ORAL HEALTH CARE BEHAVIORS AMONG GRADE SIX PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS AT KHAO PHANOM DISTRICT, KRABI PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(1), 137–149. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/274748
Research Articles


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