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The objectives of this research article are to 1) study administration according to the principles of good governance according to teachers' viewpoints. 2) Compare management according to the principles of good governance according to teachers' views according to the variables of gender, age, and educational level. Work experience as a school administrator and the size of the school and 3) study problems and suggestions of administration according to the principles of good governance according to teachers' views. The sample group used was 291 teachers of schools under the jurisdiction of the Trang Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire regarding administration according to the principles of good governance of the school. It is a 5-level rating scale. Statistics used in the analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. One-way analysis of variance (One-Way ANOVA) and multiple comparisons using LSD were used. The results of the research found that 1) management according to the principles of good governance according to teachers' viewpoints Overall, it is at a good level. 2) Teachers who work in schools where the administrators are of the same gender. Work experience as a school administrator and different sizes of schools have different overall attitudes towards administration according to the principles of good governance. And teachers working in schools where administrators have different ages and educational levels have no different views on administration according to the principles of good governance overall and in every aspect. and 3) problems and suggestions. A portion of teachers were of the opinion that school administrators were insufficiently efficient in their administration. There are relatively few management tools for resources and labor. and the monitoring and evaluation system is not efficient enough. It is suggested that schools should have more tools, resources, and labor to make the organization more responsive to the needs of stakeholders.
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