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Wongsiri Rueangsri
Ongart Phrmmongkhon
Chananchida Tipyan
Pongtep Keawsatean
Pennapha Suanthong


This academic article has been withdrawn of driving Chumphon model for towards a “Metropolitan City of Health” by community health managers or called village health volunteers (VHVs) who are models for creating health, co - operator, commanding, controlling, supervising, and providing advice in the 4 aspects include: creating a health plan, budget management, organizing health activities and participatory performance evaluation to Promote community health, monitor, prevent, and control diseases, in order to develop one's own and family healthcare and self-sufficient communities. Draw the idea that "good health starts from the community foundation" from the spark of the organizations to stop drinking alcohol in the upper southern network. By integrating the power of local communities equally into sustainable community health, establishing an understanding that communities are a national strategy, and emphasizing that communities are the foundation of national development management. Community is a reality of life and coexistence, if the community is strong in all aspects in a comprehensive way, the foundation of the country will be strong and support the entire country. For example, primary public health operations that cause changes in health behavior are practiced as a model for creating health, create participation in solving problems and use available local resources with appropriate methods or technology by communicating to create health, monitoring, Control chronic non - communicable diseases in the community. This leads to the health of oneself, family and community is a new perspective on new management of the community health system. with community health managers leading the way in creating health. and reduce risk factors in the community.

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How to Cite
Rueangsri, W. ., Phrmmongkhon, O. ., Tipyan, C. ., Keawsatean, P. ., & Suanthong, P. . (2024). DRIVING CHUMPHON MODEL FOR TOWARDS A “METROPOLITAN CITY OF HEALTH” BY COMMUNITY HEALTH MANAGERS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(1), 211–219. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/274615
Academic Article


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