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Senawee Roekmongkol
Thanatcha Rattanaphant
Nitayarat Khongnaluek
Chiraporn Nhorit
Thawatchai Kongnoom


The objectives of this research article are: 1) Develop and find efficiency in organizing learning activities. To raise student achievement by using research as a basis. 2) Find the academic achievement of students who use the model. Organizing learning activities to raise student achievement using research as a basis, and 3) Studying student satisfaction with learning management using the format for organizing learning activities to raise achievement. Students using The research is based on a descriptive research method. The sample group was 30 students in the field of Digital Technology for Education, Faculty of Education, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University, Semester 1/2023. The sample group was selected using a purposive method. The tools used in the research are 1) An evaluation form for organizing learning activities to improve student achievement using research as a basis, 2) A pre-study and post - study achievement test of students, and 3) Assessment of student satisfaction with learning management using learning activity formats to raise student achievement using research as a basis. Statistics used are mean, standard deviation. And hypothesis testing uses the Dependent t - test hypothesis test. The results of the research found that the results of the developed model have the appropriateness of the overall model at the highest level. Which consists of 6 steps: 1) Identifying research problems, 2) Setting up hypotheses, 3) Testing hypotheses, 4) Collecting data, 5) Analyzing data, and 6) Summarizing results. And the academic achievement of students after receiving learning management is higher than before. Learning management has statistical significance at the .05 level. Finally, the satisfaction results are at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Roekmongkol, S. ., Rattanaphant, T. ., Khongnaluek, N. ., Nhorit, C. ., & Kongnoom, T. . (2024). THE RESULTS OF DEVELOPING LEARNING MODELS TO IMPROVE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT FOR RESEARCH AS A BASIS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(1), 1–8. retrieved from
Research Articles


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