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The survey research is cross - sectional survey studies this time has the objective of studying work burnout and factors association to burnout syndrome in COVID - 19 of nurse Koh Samui Hospital. Using the concepts of Maslach's theory. The sample group is professional nurses who worked in Koh Samui Hospital for at least 1 year, totaling 110 people, using Cohen's formula to calculate. Research tools It's a questionnaire. It consists of two parts of information: personal factors and a questionnaire on work burnout for public health officials at Mental Health Center No. 7, Khon Kaen Province. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews with a sample group over a period of 3 months. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and inferential statistics, including independent t-tests and ANOVA. The research results are as follows: 1) Professional nurses have a low level of burnout during the COVID - 19 situation 59.1 percent, a medium level of 39.1 percent, and a high level of work burnout 1.8 percent. When considering each aspect, it was found that emotional exhaustion and depersonalization are at a low level, but personal success is at a high level. 2) When analyzed the factors affected work burnout in the COVID - 19 situation, the research results found that age groups less than or equal to 30 years, groups with family burdens that were very difficult, departments where work was not directly exposed to COVID - 19, and Job description as a worker affected the state of burnout at work. There is a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). As for the variables of gender, status, length of service, salary, work risk compensation, congenital disease, and hometown, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05).
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