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The purpose of this research article is to 1) Design a management information system for Charoen Karnchang Garage 2) Develop a management information system for Charoen Karnchang Garage 3) Evaluate the efficiency of the management information system for Charoen Karnchang Garage.The developed system was capable of manage employee information, customer information, fee information repair information issue a receipt and can also check historical data to replace the former system which was based on the documents without database storage; To develop the efficiency of the system in reducing the problems of data loss; and to store the various information of Charoen Karnchang Garage in the database. Therefore, the researcher has designed and developed a management information system for Charoen Karnchang Garage. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, write programs to work as designed. The database structure of the system uses the Microsoft Access 2016 database management system to help with management. This system has people involved with the system 1) The business owner logs in as an administrator. Responsible for managing all information including database management. 2) Employees are those who can manage repair information. 3) Customers are the ones who can request to see their own information, repair information and receipt. After the system development has been completed. Tested the operation of the management information system for Charoen Karnchang Garage. The system can work correctly, accurately, quickly and according to the needs of the user. The sample group included 3 information system development experts. The results of the overall evaluation of the system's efficiency by experts were at a high level. It appeared that the average was equal to 4.10 on a score scale of 5.00. In conclusion, the system’s efficiency was at a high level in terms of working processing, convenience, information’s accuracy, and introduction into practice
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