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This study aims to study 1) Marketing mix 2) Decision to purchase skin care products among working age groups in Bangkok 3) Compare the decision to purchase skin care products among working age groups in Bangkok classified by personal information and 4) Marketing mix factors affecting the decision to purchase skin care products among working age groups in Bangkok. A sample of 400 people was selected, and a questionnaire was used as a tool for the study. Processed using percentage statistics and mean T - test. ANOVA analysis using F - test (One - way ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis, occupation: private sector employee, average monthly income 15,001 - 20,000 baht or more. Factors in the marketing mix and decision to purchase skin care products are at a very important level. Different genders, age and occupations affect the decision to purchase different skin care products. Marketing mix factors, product, distribution channels and marketing promotions affects the decision to purchase skin care products for working age people in Bangkok with statistically significant at the .05 level. Suggestions from the study results, Entrepreneurs should create a brand image to be known, reliable and create a unique identity that is a highlight of the brand, packaging that suits the target group. Gentle products containing natural ingredients, variety. The price is appropriate for the quality and suitable for the target group. There are distribution channels that are easy to purchase such as Watson, Eveandboy, 7eleven or grocery stores in communities. There is advertising both offline and through online channels. There are special promotions according to festivals. Providing special privileges for members. There are promotions for discounts, exchanges, giveaways and freebies on various important marketing days such as the 12th of the 12th month and there are deals on various platforms such as SHOPEE LAZADA to request a car part code to purchase products.
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