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This research aimed to study 1) Human resources management, 2) The work efficiency of the personnel, 3) Comparing the work efficiency of personnel classified by personnel data, and 4) Human resources management that affects the work efficiency of the personnel of Capric (Thailand) Limited. The population and sample used in the study are 80 employees of Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd, with three years of service or more or positions ranging from supervisor to higher. Questionnaires were used to collect the data, and statistics were used, including percentage, mean, T - test, F - test (one - way ANOVA), and multiple regression. The results from the study showed that most of the respondents were female, aged 31 - 40 years old, less than a bachelor's degree education, company employees, working period of 4 - 6 years, supervisor's positions, and production area. The study also found that 1) Human resources management efficiency is significant, 2) The efficiency in work performance of the average personnel was at a high level, 3) The difference in personal information does not affect the human resources management efficiency of the personnel of Capric (Thailand) Limited, and 4) The human resources management in terms of performance evaluation significantly influences personnel performance at the 0.05 level. Feedback: the performance evaluation administrators should set indicators for success in each function as standards for evaluating performance and announce the criteria for performance evaluation to the personnel after assessment. Supervisors must provide feedback to employees to encourage the development and improvement of work to achieve efficiency according.
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