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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the visionary leadership of school administrators 2) to study the integrity and transparency in the operation of educational institutions 3)to study the relationship between the visionary leadership of school administrators and the integrity and transparency in the operation of educational institutions and 4) to create equations to predict the visionary leadership of school administrators that affect the integrity and transparency in the operation of educational institutions. It is quantitative research. The tool is a questionnaire with a sample of 310 people, analyzed by mean, standard deviation. Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that 1) the overall leadership of the executive vision was high ( = 4.29), 2) the effectiveness of the school in working on integrity and transparency in the operation of the school as a whole was at a high level.(
= 4.51), 3) the relationship between visionary leadership of school administrators and morality and transparency in school operations. and 4) the visionary leadership of school administrators impacted the integrity and transparency of school operations. The tool is a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 310 people by random sampling with proportional stratification. (Proportional Stratified Random Sampling) obtained using a proportional stratified random sampling method. The research instrument is a 5-level rating scale, divided into 3 parts, namely, part 1, a general information questionnaire of the respondents. Part 2 is a questionnaire to study the visionary leadership of educational institution administrators that affects morality and transparency in the operations of educational institutions. And Part 3 is a measurement to evaluate morality and transparency in the operations of educational institutions. According to the assessment measure of morality and transparency in the operations of government agencies, the researcher sent data collection tools to 310 sample educational institutions and received the questionnaires back and were complete. Calculated as 100 percent. The multiple correlation coefficient was .846 and the forecasting power was .715, affecting operational integrity and transparency by 71.50%, the forecast equation in raw score format
= -.010 + .678 (X1) + .315 (X5) and the forecast equation in the form of a standardized score
y = .589 (X1) + .279 (X5)
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