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Sai Myo Myint .
Sutham Pongsamran


This research study explores motivation affecting organization loyalty of employees at Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong Province. The objective of this research article is to study 1) work motivation, 2) the level of loyalty to the organization, 3) compare loyalty to the organization classified by personal factors, 4) motivating factors affecting loyalty, and 5) maintenance factors that affect Organizational Loyalty of Employees. Personnel used in research They were employees working in Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong Province, by specifically selecting 400 people. Questionnaire were used as a tool for the study and processed using statistical percentages, mean, t-tests, f-test (one-way ANOVA), and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results found that most respondents were female, aged between 21 and 30 years, with less than a bachelor's degree in education, an operating employee's average monthly income of less than 20,001 baht, and a working period of 1-5 years. Motivating factors and maintenance factors are at a high level. The personal differences in age, job position, level of education, average monthly income, and length of service have different loyalty to the organization of employees in Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong Province-motivating factors in acceptance and respect, the nature of work performed and the progress of work influence employees' loyalty towards the organization which is statistically significant at the .05 level. Maintenance factors influence the organization of employees in terms of policy and administration, governance, command, and control. The aspect of job security influences in terms of career and personal well-being affects employees' loyalty towards the organization in Amata City Industrial Estate, Rayong Province, with statistically significant at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
., S. M. M. ., & Pongsamran, S. . (2024). MOTIVATION AFFECTING ORGANIZATIONAL LOYALTY OF EMPLOYEES AT AMATA CITY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, RAYONG PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(1), 260–270. retrieved from
Research Articles


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