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This article aims to present violent behavior in the family in the era of society that bows down to the face that comes from social media use currently, social media plays an important role in learning and creating new knowledge, including fast and convenient communication, saving time, but using social network services too much. It may have an impact on the ethics and behavior of individuals, such as decreased responsibility. Doing activities together is less, including decreased cognitive efficiency and concentration. Therefore, violent behavior in the family that occurs from a society that bows its head It comes from imitating behavior seen in online media, consisting of 1) physical harm, including fighting. hitting or punching to vent emotions. 2) Sexual harassment, including rape, indecent acts, sexual assault 3) Scolding/threatening/forcing/shouting. caused by anger accepting violent behavior, such as watching video clips related to quarrels. Cursing others with vulgar words through live broadcasts, etc. 4) Neglect and abandonment. Caused by using online media to the point of being unable to control it, such as being addicted to online games, gambling online, causing neglect of relationships by family members. 5) Detention/detention. It was caused by conflict in the family because everyone was keeping their heads down in online society. which are the consequences of violent behavior in Families that arise from a society that bows its head are as follows: 1) Physical aspect, including physical health. there is premature deterioration. 2) Mental health, including being stressed, easily irritated, unable to control emotions, and 3) Social, including not having self-confidence. Makes it impossible to live a normal and happy life in society.
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