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Rungtip Chaiyoyingyong
Mattana Wangthanomsak


The purpose of this article is to present the roles of administrators in creating an organizational culture under rapid change in the 21st century. Rapid academic changes, advanced information technology, and rising competitions have challenged administrators in order to lead the organization to success in keeping with its objectives. As a result, the organization must be changed by administrators adopting new strategies for managing it. The organizational culture is a vital supporting factor that is mutually accepted by members of the organization, additionally, it is also a code of conduct and procedures that everyone in the organization must accept and implement. For this reason, the important thing that administrators need to consider first when it comes to changing their organization is organizational culture. The image of a united organization is enhanced by a good organizational culture, which is essential for every successful organization to achieve success. Administrators hold key roles in driving organizational culture to lead the organization during an era of change. Hence, administrators have the ability to create an organizational culture through their roles as follows: 1) Adjusting the mindset of people within the organization 2) Establishing a clear direction for the organization 3) Promoting an organizational culture that emphasizes teamwork 4) Sharing information and communicating 5) Facilitating and providing assistance 6) Creating an organizational culture that prioritizes learning and adaptability 7) Developing of technology that focuses on information and communication 8) Initiating a collaborative network, and 9) Creating or developing a system that promotes morale. Therefore, administrators who have created a good organizational culture will be able to drive their management and be prepared to handle any changes that may come up to achieve the organization's objectives.

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How to Cite
Chaiyoyingyong , R. ., & Wangthanomsak, M. . (2024). ADMINISTRATOR ROLES IN CREATING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE UNDER CHANGES IN 21st CENTURY. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(1), 188–198. retrieved from
Academic Article


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