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The purposes of this research are to study 1) Department heads' management, 2) The work efficiency of department heads, 3) Compare the work effectiveness of department heads classified by personal information, and 4) Management factors that affect the effectiveness of work of department heads of Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Select a sample of 50 people using calculations to find a sample (Sample size) using the exact population of Taro Yamane a questionnaire used as a tool for the study. Statistics used are percentage, mean, T - test, F - test (One - Way ANOVA), and multiple regression analysis. The study found that most respondents were female, 31 - 40 years old, had less than a bachelor's degree, and worked for ten years or more. The management factors are at a significant level. The work effectiveness of department heads is at a high level. The differences in personal information in terms of gender, age, level of education, period of work, and different departments did not affect the performance of company department heads of Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Planning and organization influence the work effectiveness of the department heads of Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd, with a statistical significance of 0.05. Recommendations from the study result that department heads should assign duties and responsibilities according to the plan and assign job positions appropriate to employees' abilities. Supervise and monitor the performance of employees to ensure that they follow the specified procedure. The department heads should have a plan for interpreting management strategies to operational plans so that employees can understand and work effectively according to the program. Sufficient personnel to carry out their responsibilities to be effective.
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