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Sarawut Thongsang
Sombat Dejbamrung


The purpose of this research is 1) to study the administration according to the good governance of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 1. 2) to study the guidelines for developing the administration according to the good governance of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 1. The sample used in the research were 86 teachers from schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1, Group 3, totaling 86 people. Structured interviews. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The results of this research were as follows: 1. Administration according to the good governance of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 1, was almost at a high level. When considering each aspect found that the aspect with the highest mean was the consensus oriented, the second aspect was the responsiveness, and the lowest aspect was the transparency. 2. The guidelines for developing the administration according to the good governance of the school under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Bangkok 1. The development guidelines from interviews with experts have been used in many ways for consideration and use in the organizational development plan as follows: 1) Administrators should apply the principles of administration according to the principles of good governance in school administration. To be used in setting a framework, goals, objectives, guidelines for implementing various operations in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of educational institution administration. 2) Development guidelines from writing to project 1) Efficiency development project for administrators, teachers and educational personnel. 2) Projects to develop and enhance morality and transparency in educational institutions 3) Potential development project for procurement and supplies management. 4) Organizational awareness project for creative collaboration.

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How to Cite
Thongsang , S. ., & Dejbamrung, S. . (2023). ADMINISTRATION ACCORDING TO THE GOOD GOVERNANCE OF SCHOOL UNDER THE SECONDARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA OFFICE BANGKOK 1. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(8), 268–276. retrieved from
Research Articles


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