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The objectives of this research article were to 1) to study the efficiency of the package with the 80/80 efficiency index on reproduction of flowering plants and transport of plants in grade 11th students using model-based learning activities. 2) compare the mean scores of scientific conceptual understanding and 3) study scientific conceptual understanding after using model-based learning activities. It was quantitative research. The research participants were 41 students in grade 11th who were studying in the Laboratory School of Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University. This study was a pre-experimental design using one group pretest-posttest design. Research instruments included eight teaching plans of reproduction in flowering plants and transport of plants for 24 periods and the students’ scientific conceptual test, a two-tier diagnostic concept test using 30 items (reliability at 0.83). The finding research found that 1) the efficiency of model-based learning activities was 84.81/81.37 is by hypothesis. 2) Comparison scores for comprehension of scientific concepts Before the activity, students had an average understanding of science equal to 51.85 and after the activity, students had an average understanding of science equal to 97.37. When compared, the average score after the activity was significantly higher than before the activity at the 0.05 level. 3) Misunderstandings of grade 11th students in Biology about the reproduction of flowering plants and plant transport. After organizing learning activities using a model as a base Students have a more accurate understanding of science. and have decreased scientific understanding.
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