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Chainarong Ariyaprasert
Watanapun Krutasaen


This academic paper presents the design of a tourist attraction as part of the thesis. "Art and Design Participatory Activities for Rural Tourist Attractions" to stimulate and propel the community economy by themselves. According to the government policy that focuses on promoting tourism and domestic consumption. The researcher reviews relevant literature, such as the theory of the components of tourist attractions and supply chains. to how to find space for organizing activities Research on Cultural Tourism Management in the Central Region and the development of creative tourism for the preservation / extension of Lao Khrang culture, Ban Kut Jok, Chainat Province. Then, designed and created the activities of Khung Samphao Community, Manorom District, Chainat Province and the area selection method by designing a table to analyze the factors of distance, convenience and land price. Modes of transportation in each region Analyze a variety of modes of travel. By using interviews with people in Kung Sam Phao Community, Manorom District, Chainat Province. to obtain the conclusions of this community in the direction and location of the appropriate case study. The researcher presents the details of the demonstration activities and the practice of creating street art to decorate the venue as a check-in point to promote community tourism. Khung Samphao Subdistrict Municipality, Manorom District, Chainat Province and compiling a summary of the design to be a tourist attraction in the central region of Thailand In terms of art forms, the venue is a check-in point with street art from Chainat province. The researcher also presents details of creative design experiments using local ingredients to create food to create interest in tourist attractions. It shows the way of thinking and the creative process that is beneficial to Khung Sampao Community, Manorom District, Chainat Province. through engagement with other stakeholders to further support slow tourism as well.

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How to Cite
Ariyaprasert , C. ., & Krutasaen, W. . (2023). DESIGNING THAILAND’S CENTRAL TOURISM ATTRACTIONS, CASE STUDY OF KHUNGSAMPHAO COMMUNITY, MANOROM, CHAINAT. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(7), 208–214. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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