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The objectives of this research were to 1) to study the spiritual attainment in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to investigate Angulimala thera’s life and 3) to analyze the spiritual attainment of Angulimala thera. it is qualitative research focusing on the documentary study based on Buddhist scriptures. The findings were as follows: 1) Spiritual attainment in Theravada Buddhism is to have achieve pure Dharma, understanding the three characteristics (natural law), enlightenment of the Four Noble Truths, enlightenment of Nibbana and reaching supermundane state. Until the mind can be released from all sufferings. Spiritual attainment consists of two levels: 1) mundane level consisting of eight mundane levels i.e., Rupa-jhàna (Four Jhànas), Arupa-jhàna (the Four Absorptions of the Formless Sphere), 2) nine Lokuttaradhamma (supermundane states) consisting of Magga: the Four Paths, Phala: the Four Fruitions and Nibbàna: the Unconditioned State. 2) Regarding life of Angkulimala thera, In the previous lives, he was born as a giant and a king named Porisart who liked eating human flesh. When he was born as a wild buffalo and turtle, he had a great malice against a thousand villagers. However, he accumulated merit by offering alms to the silent Buddha. Being born as the contemporary person with the Bodhisattva, he listened to the Dhamma, observed the five precepts. In the last birth, he was born as a bandit and killed 999 people because he was fooled by his bad friend and almost committed immediacy-deeds (Anantariya-kamma). Later he listened to a sermon from the Buddha, who told him how to use wisdom as a weapon to terminate his own defilements. 3) In an analysis on the spiritual attainment Angkulimala thera, he followed the path of Samathayànika: one whose vehicle is tranquility by using the principle of Kàyagatàsati mindfulness with regard to the body as a basic guideline to have his mind to Vipassana with Bodhipakkhiya-dhamma (the thirty-seven) qualities contributing to enlightenment until he attained an Arahantship with Vimokkha: liberations; the eight stages of release, Abhinnà: super- knowledge as an arahant with ultra-conscious insight and as Ubhatobhagavimut.
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