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This research The purpose of this study was to study the patient safety culture on the perceptions of personnel working in Suratthani Hospital. both overall and in each aspect and to compare the differences of patient safety culture according to the perceptions of personnel working in Suratthani Hospital. Separated by operating units and job characteristics of personnel in Suratthani Hospital Conducting this research It is an exploratory research. sample is an officer who works in Suratthani Hospital Both administrative and operational levels of 350 people by stratified random sampling method. according to the proportion of personnel in the work group The research tool was used as a questionnaire. Explore the culture of patient safety in hospitals. Which Dr. Anuwat Supachutikul from the Institute for Hospital Quality Development and Accreditation (Ph.D.) translated from the survey of American Institute for Health and Quality Research data analysis by using descriptive statistics and comparative statistics using Indepent t - test. There was a high level of awareness of patient safety culture as a whole and in each aspect. with the side with the highest mean is overall safety for the difference in safety culture in Patient care according to personnel perception when separated by operating units and job characteristics of personnel found that personnel in different departments by personnel working at the outpatient department working in the in-patient department and support agencies Including personnel with different job characteristics. by personnel with direct patient contact and personnel with indirect or minimal contact with patients There is an awareness of the patient safety culture. The overall level was moderate, not different.
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