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Research Buddhist leadership components of local administrators Nonthaburi Province Objectives: 1) to study the components of Buddhist leadership of local administrators; Nonthaburi Province and 2) to analyze the components of Buddhist leadership of local administrators. Nonthaburi Province conducting research by studying Tripitaka Documents and research on Buddhist leadership based on the Tuthiyapaphanikha Sutta. Then interview the experts. to find component definitions and indicators and collecting information from executives and personnel local government organization Nonthaburi Province by using a stratified random sampling method. A group of 500 samples was obtained for statistical analysis. by elemental analysis. The results showed that Buddhist leadership components of local administrators Nonthaburi Province In total, it consists of 3 components and 23 indicators, namely 1) Chakkuma, a person with broad vision (Conceptual Skill), which consists of 6 indicators with weights ranging from 0.312 -0.622, with the indicators having the highest weights. including local administrators and staff use SWOT techniques for organizational analysis and development. 2) Withuro is a person with expertise in the job. know the principles and methods There are good management (Technical Skill), consisting of 7 indicators, with a component weight ranging from 0.303 - 0.742. that does not increase the workload, and 3) Nissayasampanno, which is a person with good human relations (Human Relation Skill), consisting of 10 indicators, with a component weight ranging from 0.347 - 0.675, with the indicator having the highest component weight, namely, local administrators giving Honor and show sincerity to personnel at all levels of the organization.
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