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This research paper studies long-term care policy for the elderly in Thailand. This is a documentary research based on the study of related documents with the application of content analysis methods. The study found that long-term care policies for the elderly in Thailand were divided into 2 categories: 1. Community/ Home Care policies are mainly national policies that define the basic concepts of elderly care. Some of them are departmental -level policies that set guidelines for building a long-term aged care system. The essence of the policy is that the elderly’s rights, values, and dignity must be taken into account. Families and communities should play a central role in caring for the elderly in both health and society. Relevant agencies provide support on budgets, social services, and knowledge on long -term care for the elderly to volunteers and in community and families. 2. Institutional Care policy is mainly at the departmental level that is established in accordance with national policy. The essence of this policy is the guidelines for long-term care for the elderly in both public and private institutions. Standards for providing services for long-term care for the elderly in various aspects, such as criteria for opening a business, admissions for the elderly, facilities, safety, and services. Thailand has primarily focused on family and community services since it possesses social capital that may be used as a mechanism for caring for the elderly. A change in the social structure has recently occurred, resulting in an increase in demand for aged care services from the private sector. As a result, the state has implemented additional policies concerning institutional services.
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