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This research has two objectives: 1) to study the new normal of monks and novices after the spread of COVID-19 in Phuket and 2) to study the new normal of monks and novices after the spread of COVID-19 in Phuket. The researcher uses a research model that is a mixed method research. Qualitative research Using in-depth interviews from 24 key informants, and A quantitative research by distributing a questionnaire a sample of 225 people. Descriptive statistics were used: frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results found that New normal for monks and novices after the situation spread of COVID-19 In Phuket, the all 5 parts has a high average level ( = 3.70). When considering each aspect in order of average from descending, it was found that they were at a high level in all aspects. They can be sorted as follows: Behavior in relation to society ( = 3.82) Behavior in daily activities ( = 3.77) Behavioral aspect of social leadership ( = 3.72), the religious behavior aspect ( = 3.63), and the education aspect ( = 3.55). The new normal of monks and novices after the situation spread of COVID-19 In Phuket, it was found that the behavior of monks and novices in the 4 aspects should behave as follows: 1) comply with the Ministry of Public Health's DMHTT measures, 2) use technology in communication and learning, 3) use technology in relationships. with society and 4) use technology to educate and to guide society. Suggestions: The abbot must establish clear guidelines for monks and novices. Phra pariyattidhamma School should provide equipment and technology to support online teaching and learning for educational personnel. And the temple should have a screening device for people who participate in temple activities to prevent COVID-19. according to the policy of the Ministry of Public Health or according to DMHTT measures
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