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This article of this study was: 1) Study the problems of administration of local government organizations under central and provincial government control 2) Legal measures of local government organizations in foreign countries and of Thailand It is a qualitative research method from the study of legal documents and textbooks. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Local government organizations Bangkok and Pattaya City There is the Minister of the Interior and the Governor. has the power to supervise the performance of government officials has the power to revoke or suspend the practice May not be fair to the person holding that position. 2) French Republic The central authority has the power to appoint a person or organization or remove the executive head of the local government organization. The exercise of the governor's disciplinary power is another method of oversight. The provincial governor or the minister has the power to order the mayor to suspend government service, but in the event that he wants to leave his office, he must issue a state decree. As a disciplinary action in this case, the local administration cannot be punished, and Japan. Claims made through political parties in the national arena are influential. Claims from politicians and local communities are therefore the voices that central government officials must listen to. Localities with sufficient political potential can create and claim social welfare as partners rather than government agents. and local-government relations are very conditions for cooperation and responsiveness, and 3) recommendations. The administration of local government organizations must not be under the control of central and provincial governments. By establishing a committee to supervise the administration of all types of local government organizations. came up to act in the supervision of the administration
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