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Benya Supadech
Thanee Vorapatr


The purpose of this article is to study concepts, theories, and laws related to pedestrian safety in using pedestrian crossings by studying both punishment measures, and additional safety measures. There is also Including a comparative analysis of traffic laws in Thailand and other countries to bring the results of the study to propose guidelines for improving the law to suit the current social situation. This study was qualitative research by searching textbooks, theses, research reports, articles, legal, and Internet searches. The result reveals that there are legal gaps in legal issues concerning pedestrian safety in the use of pedestrian crossings according to Land Traffic Act. Therefore, the problems must be resolved to make law enforcement more efficient by 1) Amended the definition of "crosswalk" to include "intersections" as well, so the drivers will always be aware that intersections are pedestrian crossings for people to cross the road, and the driver must stop to allow pedestrians to cross the road first. 2) Prescribe the driver must "stop" for pedestrians crossing the road at the crosswalk. 3) Prescribe the penalties for drivers who do not stop their vehicles for pedestrian crossing and recidivism. 4) Impose heavier penalties according to the severity of the accident. In case of a pedestrian suffering physical and mental harm, severe harm, or death. 5) Legislation to apply additional measures for the safety of foreign countries such as crosswalk barriers, sound signals for crossing the road, walkways for the visually impaired that cross over crosswalks, push-button traffic lights, etc.

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How to Cite
Supadech , B., & Vorapatr, T. . (2023). LEGAL ISSUES OF PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ON PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(4), 239–251. retrieved from
Research Articles


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