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Taveechok Hreankrai


Education is both a development and a tool for development, i.e. the development of a person through the development of the whole person or whole life. The development itself is education. When students have an education like this It is used as a tool for living and creating things. Education has become a tool of development. Here we will discuss the principles of Buddhism that will be used as the basis for complete education. To focus on human intelligence or wisdom. Then bring the wisdom that comes from education to develop yourself to be a complete human being. in which human beings are noble beings with education Humans differ from other animals in that It is an animal that must be trained and studied. There are principles that should be noted in matters such as Humans are animals that must be trained, meaning that they can live their lives. have a well-being There is almost nothing that a human can get for nothing. But it has come through education, that is, learning, practicing, developing, all different from other animals that live by instincts. almost no need to learn, practice, develop In the Buddhist way The correct development of life is To lead life in the right way to lead to a goal is to have a right way of life. We call it the Magk. The Magk is a way of life that is right and virtuous, leading to a goal. This path is in conjunction with another principle, the sikkha. Therefore, if one wants to live a virtuous life, practice or practice is required. And training and training to make life go in the right way, we call it sikkha or education. is to practice life in a way that is right and virtuous

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How to Cite
Hreankrai, T. . (2023). INTEGRATION OF BUDDHISM IN TEACHING AND LEARNING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(4), 44–54. retrieved from
Academic Article


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