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The objectives of this research paper were to: 1) study conditions and problems in the implementation of vocational training promotion of community colleges, and 2) study about guidelines for developing the implementation of vocational training promotion of community colleges. It's qualitative research. study information from document synthesis and to study the problem conditions, guidelines for vocational training promotion from 5 community colleges with good practices, obtained by purposive sampling. from 20 community colleges across the country Including interviews with 6 experts. Tools used. is a semi-structured interview form The data was analyzed using content analysis. According to the study results, the vocational training promotion of each community college was implemented in response to and in line with local occupations and the community. The problems which should be urgently solved in the vocational training promotion were to manage action plans for using strategic plans as guidelines for the implementation; to follow up the quantitative and qualitative outcome through trainees; and to develop academic and vocational programs with up-to-date contents according to needs of the communities and labor market. The focus should be on practice for trainees can apply knowledge and skills in real situations to generate income, build careers for communities, and drive the products developed during the training to get standard approval. Moreover, collaboration with other relevant agencies should be promoted for multidisciplinary learning exchange. The guidelines for the implementation of the vocational training promotion of community colleges consist of 3 aspects: 1) process of vocational training promotion, 2) use of digital technology to promote learning and career development, and 3) participation and network creation by applying the PDCA principle to make the implement effective and successful.
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