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The purposes of this research article were 1) to study the implementation of educational innovation of Lesson Study and Open Approach in schools 2) to study the effects of implementation of educational innovation of Lesson Study and Open Approach in schools. It was the qualitative research. The key informants were 10 school administrators and teachers under the office of the private education Songkhla Province selected by using purposive sampling. The instruments were semi-structured interview protocol and non-participant observation. The data were analyzed by using grounded theory techniques. The findings were as follows: 1) Elementary schools under the office of the private education Songkhla Province implemented an educational innovation of Lesson Study and Open Approach in schools were: (1) contextual preparation before implementation were making understand of a Lesson Study and an Open Approach, study visiting to a role model school, volunteering of teachers and administrators, making understand in Japanese mathematics textbook, specifically allocated budgeting and supporting in general medias and equipment. And (2) a Lesson Study and an Open Approach implementation procedure consisted of collaboratively design research lesson (Co-Plan), collaboratively observing research lesson (Co-Do), and collaboratively doing post-discussion or reflection on teaching practice (Co-See). 2) The findings of Implementation of educational innovation of Lesson Study and Open Approach in schools were (1) students’ achievement and learning behavior got better. (2) teachers had instructional leadership. (3) school’s administrators had transformational and academic leadership. (4) an organizational culture in school had changed to be better. And (5) student’s parents and community has accepted, admired, supported and followed the school’s movement.
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