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This article of this study was: 1) Study the problems and obstacles in the enforcement of the law on the sale of goods or services on sidewalks. 2) The enforcement laws in Thailand and abroad. And suggestions It is a qualitative research method based on the study of documents, legal texts. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Problems and obstacles arising from those who sell goods or services on the sidewalk illegally trade without permission. This is considered a violation of people's rights to use sidewalks. Even if local officials take legal action, it still doesn't make entrepreneurs afraid. and repeat offences. 2) Thai law includes the Road Traffic Act of 1979 and the Cleanliness and Order of the Country Act of 1992 that contain provisions relating to sidewalk trading. And the provisions of Japan have the Food Sanitation Act. License to trade on the sidewalk hawking type and temporarily sold, Section of the Criminal Code There are provisions concerning traffic obstruction offenses. Imprisonment for up to 2 years and a fine of up to 20,000 yen. Pay attention and respect to pedestrians or people crossing the road. “If you violate the traffic law shall be subject to imprisonment for not more than 3 months or a fine of not more than 50,000 yen.” And 3) suggestions for amendments. 1979, Section 109, paragraph two, Section 110, paragraph two, Cleanliness and Orderliness Act, 1992, Section 20, paragraph three, and Section 21, paragraph two. If it is a repeat offense to increase the penalty to be twice the rate of the penalty received for the previous offence.”
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