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This research article the objectives were 1) to compare differences in demographic characteristics with oneD application usage behaviors perceived ease perception of enjoyment and the reference group on oneD application usage behavior and 3) to study the co-influence of perceived benefits. Perceived ease perception of enjoyment and a reference group toward oneD application usage behavior. This research is quantitative research using online questionnaires as a tool to collect data from a sample of oneD application users aged. From 18 years old, 400 people were selected by convenient random sampling and data analysis using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Analysis of the correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis the results of the research found that most of the sample were female, aged 26-35 years with average monthly income 25,001-35,000 baht with bachelor's degree and have a career as an employee of a private company. When categorized by sex, it was found that genders had no difference in behavior of using the oneD application. When classified by age, income, level of education and occupations had different oneD application usage behaviors at a statistical significance level of 0.05. Perceived ease perception of enjoyment and the reference group had a positive correlation with oneD application usage behavior at the statistical significance level of 0.05 and the reference group had influence. Contributed the most to oneD application usage behavior (β= .413).
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