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Hussaya Wongwan
Thanom Kanitpanyajaroen
Sorrawat Somsawat


This research article aimed to develop teachers of Lampang Inter-tech College to be able to design the constructionism learning process. This research employed action research and the implementation consists of 4 steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The target group was teachers of Lampang Inter-tech College, selected through a purposive sampling of 30 respondents in total. The research tools were participatory observation forms, interview forms, meeting recording forms, conversation record form. Data were analyzed by enumerating key findings and were examined using triangulation technique. The research results showed that the problem about the condition of the learning management of the college in teachers' learning management was not organized in constructionism. Students did not participate in learning activities as they should. The production of innovative educational materials and classroom research by teachers were less active. Teachers used relatively few authentic assessments for their respective classes. Teachers expect to get assistance from those who know or those who have succeeded in learning management to guide the way to be able to build constructionism learning process and able to provide continuous supervision and follow-up. The results of the teacher development in learning management shows can be concluded that the teacher developing of constructionism learning process was appropriate and in line with the needs of teachers. It created unity and shared responsibility that enabled the teacher's development in learning management proceed effectively with good success. Teachers gained understanding and skills in learning management, and they were able to develop learning management through constructionism learning process for everyone.

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How to Cite
Wongwan, H. ., Kanitpanyajaroen, T. ., & Somsawat, S. . (2023). TEACHER DEVELOPING OF CONSTRUCTIONISM LEARNING PROCESS A CASE STUDY: LAMPANG INTER TECH. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 10(2), 85–99. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/268237
Research Articles


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