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The purposes of this research were to 1) study the basic information on the competencies’ development of teacher program in teaching management, 2) develop the program on the competencies’ development of teaching management, 3) try out the program on the competencies’ development of teaching management and 4) evaluate the program on the competencies’ development of teaching management. The target groups were 3 lecturers, 24 teachers who teach primary school 1-6, 977 students in the academic year 2021 of Sawi Kindergarten School (Bannapho). The methodologies were Research and Development and is divided into 4 states, 1st state studied the basic information to get teaching management situation, methodology, development concept, development principle, and the step of the competencies’ development of teacher, 2nd state designed and develop a program to draft the development program and recheck it, 3rd state tried out the development program by using them with the target groups and 4th state evaluated the value of the program to check the efficiency of it. The tools used in this research were the competencies’ development of teacher program in teaching management of Sawi Kindergarten School (Bannapho), analyzing the data using content analysis and statistic description. The research results found that 1. The study of basic information found that the problems of teaching management are caused by teachers’ quality that lacked clear content knowledge and teaching method. Teacher’s management should develop teaching management’s plan, learning activities, learning materials, and measurement and evaluation. These must think of the theory and concept of teacher’s development, principles of teacher’s development, and the step of teacher’s development.2. For the competencies’ development of teacher program in teaching management, there were 6 steps as the following; analyze, learn, design, teach, observe, and reflect. 3. The result of the competencies’ development of teacher program in teaching management found that 24 teachers got a higher result in progress development 4. The result of the competencies’ development of teacher program in teaching management found that 1) the effectiveness of the program found that the teachers had a better progress mark after attending the program and passed the assessment criteria 2) the program quality found that the target groups were satisfied and the average was at the highest level.
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