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Phrutsaya Piyanusorn


This research article aims to: 1) study the situation of problems with marketing and distribution of community products by entrepreneurs in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province; 2) to develop marketing strategies to create competitive advantages for Prachuap Khiri Khan Province community entrepreneurs; and 3) to develop marketing and sales techniques for Prachuap Khiri Khan Province community entrepreneurs. It is a qualitative research method in which information from documents is analyzed. The tools used were in-depth interviews and focus groups. by selecting a specific sample group. Key informants are: entrepreneurs who produce OTOP products in the area of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province and academics 17 people. group discussion with the president of Hua Hin OTOP Center. 13 Hua Hin OTOP center employees and 20 student team training workshops will assist in market testing. The study's findings revealed that: 1) the situation and problems of entrepreneurs in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province in marketing and distribution of community products lacked continuous product development. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, there was a lack of packaging development and business conditions. 2) Marketing strategies that can create a marketing advantage Using 7P's marketing mix strategy 1. Product side the operators will bring the products to the OTOP Center in Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. to be a center for distributing a variety of products more than 500 products. 2. Price, with prices ranging from tens to thousands of dollars; simple payment 3. Distribution channels or locations the storefront has easy access. The application is facilitating the growth of distribution channels. 4. Marketing and promotion There is a price reduction and promotions to entice customers to come to use the service, such as a 10% discount or buying a cheaper pair. 5. The personal side has Collaborating with educational institutions to help sell products because the number of employees in the center is not very large. Customers are introduced to process products or promotions. 7. Physical environment. A market test found that the development of marketing techniques and sales of community products of OTOP entrepreneurs and channels for marketing and sales of community products of OTOP entrepreneurs in the province Prachuap Khiri Khan The channel that generates the most orders is Facebook, followed by TikTok and Instagram, respectively.

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How to Cite
Piyanusorn , P. . (2022). THE ENHANCEMENT OF SKILLS OF ENTREPRENEURS IN PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN PROVINCE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(12), 42–59. retrieved from
Research Articles


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