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The objectives of this research article were to study basic concepts and background of consumer protection in receiving information and safety as well as measures to protect the rights of consumers from high-sodium food products in Thailand using Consumer Protection Act B.E. 2522 (1979), Food Act B.E. 2522 (1979) and Notification of the Ministry of Public Health in comparison with foreign measures such as Chile, the United Kingdom and the United States as a guideline for analyzing problems related to measures to protect the rights of consumers from high-sodium food products according to Thai law and suggesting solutions to the problem of protecting consumers' rights appropriately. This research is qualitative research where a documentary research method was applied. Documents in both Thai and foreign languages were studied. Research results revealed that the right to information and safety is a fundamental right that consumers should have when consuming foods and is one of the human rights for which the government should play a role in preventing harm to the safety and health of consumers. The study of nutrition labeling measures and food reformulation measures in Thailand and abroad showed that Thailand's measures are inadequate to comprehensively the rights of consumers to receive information and safety from high-sodium food products, both nutrition labeling measures in terms of nutrition label format, applicable product scope, and food reformulation measures in the form of enforcement as well as other measures that are used together with the food reformulation. The author therefore proposes to amend the notification of the Ministry of Public Health and issue additional measures to protect the rights of consumers as well as the rights of patients in a comprehensive manner.
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