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Samaporn Ruangsanka
Worrawoot Phatphom


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the physical and chemical characteristics of coffee parchment fermented fertilizer and 2) to study the effect of coffee parchment fermented fertilizer on the growth of pak choi. The experiment was conducted at the Royal Agricultural Station Inthanon, Ban Luang Subdistrict, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai Province. It was designed as a completely randomized design, divided into 8 treatments (8 fertilizer formulas), The coffee parchments were fermented for a month in a bag of fertilizer. The fertilizer bags were reversed and watered once a week, and then used for growing pak choi as 3 replicates per fertilizer formula for 1 month. The results showed that the planting medium for all 8 treatments had physical and chemical properties of pH values ​​between 6.4-6.8 and the temperature between 17.77-18.33°C, which were suitable for the growth of pak choi. Treatment 1 (soil + coffee parchment + PD. 1) had the highest pH value. The treatments of 3, 4, 5, 7 had the equal temperature of 18.33 degrees Celsius, which was higher than the rest treatments. For the growth analysis of pak choi, it was found that the treatments of 1, 2 (soil + coffee parchment + PD. 1 + 100g molasses) and 3 (soil + coffee parchment + PD. 1 + 300g molasses) resulted in less stem height, the true leaf petiole length, true leaf number and fresh weight than other treatments. Regarding the treatment 5 (soil+ coffee parchment + EM + molasses) and 8 (soil) had a better promoting effect on the growth of pak choi than other treatments with statistically significant differences. However, the treatment 2 had an inhibitory effect on the growth of pak choi.

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How to Cite
Ruangsanka , S. ., & Phatphom, W. . (2022). EFFECT OF USING FERMENTED FERTILIZER WITH COFFEE PARCHMENT IN DIFFERENT MIXTURES ON THE GROWTH OF PAK CHOI. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 468–478. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/264243
Research Articles


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