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The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the development of temples 2) to study recommendations 3) to study the guidelines for the development of temples for cultural tourism. in Khlong Noi Subdistrict, Mueang District, Surat Thani Province It is an integrated research method. There are 4 areas of content development scope, namely 1) Religious Site development 2) Person or personnel development within the temple 3) Development of activities within the temple 4) Environmental development The sample group consisted of 398 monks and novices/person. The key informants were monks and government officials, 5figures/person. The instrument used was a questionnaire /interview. The questionnaire reliability was 0.92. The data were analyzed by using basic statistics such as mean, standard deviation. And describing the results of the research, it was found that 1) monks, novices and the people had opinions on the overall temple development at a high level in all aspects, namely the development of religious sites; Personnel development or personnel within the temple environmental development and on the development of activities within the temple 2) Recommendations The Sangha has cooperated with the government and private sectors. find a solution to the flood problem Organize training for monks and novices and personnel within the temple To develop potential and knowledge in sanitation and environment to be aware of the conservation of natural resources and the proper management of the environment; 3) development guidelines Religious places can be used in many ways, economical, focusing on repairing to have a community identity. Encourage monks, novices and personnel within the temple to receive a degree Focus on activities related to the elderly community way of life Important Buddhist day. Environment should adjust the landscape along the canal to be beautiful. focus on water tourism See the way of life of the Khlong Noi community to generate income for the community and receive mutual benefits
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