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Thotsaporn Koompai


The objectives of this research article were to: 1) study meanings, objectives, development, ideas and influences of layman Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism, 2) study the practical guidelines of layman Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism, and 3) to propose the model of practical guidelines of layman Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism. This research employed the qualitative research methodology done by studying documents Chinese version of Mahayana Tipiaka including other related documents and then the analysis of collected data was done to meet the expected relevance. In the research, it was found that the practices of layman Bodhisattva imply laity’s practices which might be developed at the time of the development of Mahayana Buddhism where its roles, preservations, propagations and protections of Buddhism are followed while living household life. It was also found by a researcher that the two types of practical guidelines were already laid down in Mahayana Buddhist scriptures as follows: 1) the principles of Dhamma which are relevant to layman Bodhisattva’s practices, Bodhisattvacariyã, and 2) following threefold training and Bodhisattvasĩla by which the precept is chosen to observe in accordance with one’s ways of living life. Then, the practical model accorded with layman Bodhisattva could be observed through seven steps: 1) realization of the practical guidelines, 2) motivation to enter the practical processes, 3) making decision while choosing the given guidelines, 4) initiating the practical processes, 5) moving on the practical guidelines, 6) building up the internal and external attributes, and 7) sustaining its move on the practical guidelines of layman Bodhisattva. By virtue of these, layman Bodhisattva is required to be prepared by both worldly and supramundane matters through learning, working and living life by means of four requisites whereby he could behave toward family and society in accordance with Dhamma and Vinaya of Bodhisattva’s ways of life with a view to providing the great deal of benefit to oneself and others whereby all goodness could be solely dedicated to the goal of enlightenment.

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How to Cite
Koompai, . T. . (2022). THE PRACTICAL MODEL OF BODHISATTVA L AITY IN MAHAYANA BUDDHISM. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 375–391. retrieved from
Research Articles


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