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Patchlada Suwannual
Supaporn Sopa
Phrasmu Chawalit Suwannachan
Phrapalad Nikhom katapanyo


Personnel change It affects the organization in the loss of long-term benefits from investments in knowledge development. employee competence If the organization employs employees with frequent job change behaviors to work in the organization means that Risk of accepting people without knowledge The ability as it should be In addition, in the corner of the management of wages in the organization Affects the system of the wage management structure of employees in the organization is not appropriate "Gen - Y", which is a person of high school age from high school to start a new job. They are in the age range of 25-42 years, because this group of people grew up in an era of high economic growth and great technological advancement. causing less patience Short attention span and frequent job changes Dislikes working and living classes like to work as a team Find a job that you enjoy while enjoying a comfortable life with high pay. No need to go to the office, measure at the work, do not need a certain working time Collaborate more than just listening to instructions from supervisors or leaders. Therefore, in order to avoid the generation of working people of Generation Y: do not change a new job. Executives must strengthen motivation to achieve job satisfaction, that is, the work that is done must be challenging. Can use a variety of skills and abilities independent to work have fair returns job stability have good supervisors And in line with the current era is the digital era. It is the application of innovation and technology in the organization. because of this group capable of both thinking and expression at the same time resulting in positive results for the organization This makes it easy to change and accept new things.

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How to Cite
Suwannual, P., Sopa, S. ., Suwannachan, P. C. ., & katapanyo, P. N. . (2022). HOW TO DEAL WITH GENERATION Y WORKERS NOT CHANGING WORK. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 228–241. retrieved from
Academic Article


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