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Chanatda Anupat
Piyaporn Promkeaw
Atiphat Promsombut


Thailand will become absolutely an aged society in 2022. Also, the population of older adults in the next 20 years is increasing 3.4 million which is the 5.4 percent of Thai population. Frailty is a common clinical syndrome in older adults that leading to loss of dynamic homeostasis, reducing physiological reserve. The older adults with frailty is resulting in an increase of hospital stay, dependency, and mortality rate compared without non-frailty. Because of the spread of Coronavirus-19, The ministry of public health categorized the older adults are at risk Coronavirus-19 infection. As a result of the older adults with frailty, most of them had comorbidity resulting in risk of infection and severe symptoms which caused by the inflammatory response and decrease immune function. Therefore, The older adults with frailty who infected Coronavirus-19 are resulting in adverse health outcomes, and high mortality rate. Nurses’ role during the pandemic of covid-19 are the important for promoting, preventing, and reducing severity of frailty by the multidisciplinary team collaboration of caring those older adults. Hence, screening, assessing, providing individual care, and reinforcing for self-care in those older adults can improve their health outcomes, and reduce adverse event outcomes.

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How to Cite
Anupat, C. ., Promkeaw, P. ., & Promsombut, A. (2022). FRAILTY IN OLDER ADULTS DURING THE COVID19- PANDEMICS. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 217–227. retrieved from
Academic Article


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