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Mayuree Narang
Chaowarit Jongkatkorn


The objectives of this research aimed to: 1) create a model of administrative in the school under the educational fund project to success 2) Assessing the model of administrative in the school under the educational fund project to success of Huai Kha Khaeng Wittayakhom School. This research was conducted in 2 phases: Phase I was a model of administrative in the school under the educational fund project to success; Phase II was assessing the model of administrative in the school under the educational fund project to success of Huai Kha Khaeng Wittayakhom School based on the quantitative research and qualitative research. The target group in phase I consisted of 30 administrator and teachers in the school under the educational fund project in generation 1-3 having best practice with questionnaire and purposive sampling; phase I consisted of 30 administrator and teachers in the school under the educational fund project in generation 1-3 having best practice with questionnaire and purposive sampling; phase I I consisted of 3 the committee in the school under the educational fund project and 512 samples of administrators, teachers, students, parents and committee of the basic education. The instrument used in research is the questionnaire and evaluation form. Statistic in this research used the content analysis, percentage, mean and Standard Deviation.This research found that’s; 1) the components of model of administrative in the school under the educational fund project to success were 6 components namely Plan, Do, Teacher and Educator Development, Reflective Coaching, AAR and Knowledge Sharing and Evaluation. 2)Assessing the model of administrative in the school under the educational fund project to success of Huai Kha Khaeng Wittayakhom School with the performance in the target values according to the development plan at 100 percent and the satisfaction of the model of administrative in the school under the educational fund project to success of Huai Kha Khaeng Wittayakhom School was at a highest level (  = 4.85, S.D. = .85).

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How to Cite
Narang, M. ., & Jongkatkorn, C. . (2022). A MODEL OF ADMONISTRATIVE IN THE SHOOL UNDER THE EDUCATIONAL FUND PROJECT OF HUAI KHA KHANG WITTAYAKHOM SCHOOL . Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 9(9), 165–183. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMND/article/view/263881
Research Articles


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